Welcome to Northern Germany (+ EU) for LIVESTRONG, uniting people living in Northern Germany and Europeans in the fight against cancer.
Join us: Northerngermany.for.livestrong@googlemail.com

Thursday, August 19, 2010


For LIVESTRONG Day (10/2), we're creating a banner that will honor the 28 Millions living with cancer. All proceeds will benefit LIVESTRONG!

We do need your help, though. For a donation of $5 (approx. €3,90) to LIVESTRONG via my LSC fundraising page: http://austin2010.livestrong.org/henrike , we will add the name of your loved one (cancer survivor, warrior or angel) to our "cyclist" (the "Northern Germany supporting LIVESTRONG" will not be visible on the finished banner/t-shirts).

For a donation of $10, you'll receive a thank you card with the finished image!

We're also offering t-shirts (white or yellow) for a donation of $35 (approx. €27,18), which will be mailed in late October! (early October for people living in Europe)

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